2024 AI Recognition Awards Competition

Want an opportunity to prove that you’ve built the best AI technology?
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AI Excellence Awards, AI Awards intelligence, AI Awards 2024

Competition Overview

The AI Recognition Awards is the premier platform for celebrating trailblazers. Our awards celebrate the brilliance and perseverance of individuals and teams driving progress in AI technology.
The Award Competition has three categories and has separate nominations for startups with less than 20 people and for mid-size to large enterprises.  The Award Categories are separated by advancements by technology, industry and individuals.

Corporate Awards

  • AI Innovation of the Year
  • Best Use of AI in Healthcare Award
  • Best AI Automation Agency
  • Best AI in Vehicle Telematics
  • Best Innovation in Governance, Risk and Compliance
  • Best Use In Marketing Content
Full List →  
AI Breakthrough Awards, The AI Awards, Artificial Intelligence Excellence Awards

Startup Awards

  • AI Innovation of the Year
  • Best Use of AI in Healthcare Award
  • Best AI Automation Agency
  • Best AI in Vehicle Telematics
  • Best Innovation in Governance, Risk and Compliance
  • Best Use In Marketing Content
Full List →  

Trailblazer Awards

  • AI Entrepreneur of the Year Award
  • AI Researcher of the Year Award
  • AI Educator of the Year Award
  • Extra Ordinary Women in AI Award
  • Young Researcher Award
  • AI Ethics Professional Award
  • AI Marketing Professional Award
Full List →  

Award Package

AIR Award Badge: The prestigious AI Recognition (AIR) Awards digital emblem distinguishes recipients as trailblazers and leaders in AI, allowing them to proudly showcase their success across various platforms, including websites, social media, and sales presentations.
AIR Awards Category Badge: is a distinctive emblem that highlights the specific area of excellence achieved by each winner. This larger square badge proudly displays the category in which the recipient has demonstrated outstanding innovation and leadership, such as 'Best Use of AI in Healthcare,' offering an impressive visual testament to their achievements in the field of Artificial Intelligence.
Increased Brand Exposure: through our extensive promotional channels, including the AIR Awards community, press releases, and a comprehensive social media program. Award winners ONLY enjoy amplification of the brand.
Earned Media Strategy Development ($1500 Value): Develop a media strategy with a seasoned marketing executive and professor.  The earned media strategy includes guidance on how to get an exponential increase in brand awareness, including leveraging paid media and owned media strategies.
Exclusive access: to our invaluable community panels and industry workshops led by experts in marketing strategies. These resources are designed to help elevate your brand, expand your reach, and connect with a broader audience, empowering you to make an even greater impact in the AI industry.
Custom tailored press release: crafted exclusively for your organization, products, and leadership, this personalized announcement will showcase your achievements and amplify your success story across the AI industry and beyond.
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Corporate and Startup Awards Categories

AI Breakthrough Awards, The AI Awards, Artificial Intelligence Excellence Awards
Corporate Awards for organizations with more than 30 employees that have an AI-based product or platform focused around a particular industry or technology.
Startup Awards: for organizations with fewer than 30 employees that have an AI-based product or platform focused around a particular industry or technology.
AI Innovation of the Year: This award recognizes companies that take the most interesting approach or perspective to an AI problem or use case.  The nomination will consider the way an innovation will re-invent a business use case so that it is not needed or executed a completely different way rather than optimizing an existing business use case.
Best Use of AI in Healthcare: This award recognizes innovative AI solutions that improve patient care, diagnostics, and healthcare operations.
Best Use of AI in Financial Services: This award recognizes the best AI system or service that has measurably improved a company’s financial services or fintech platform.
Best AI Automation Agency: This award recognizes a company that provides the best AI implementation services for easy adoption of AI systems.  The Automation Agency can specialize in any niche.
AI Innovation in Marketing Award: This award recognizes any AI solution that has transformed marketing strategies through content creation, customer segmentation, or personalization, leading to measurable campaign success.
Best Use of AI for Cyber Security Award: This award recognizes an AI system or service that has notably strengthened cyber security measures, threat detection, or data protection, providing robust security solutions for businesses and individuals.
Best AI for Vehicle Telematics: This award recognizes AI products or solutions related to supply chain applications, transportation or vehicle transportation.  For example, AI solutions for improved driver safety or driver efficiency and electrification of driver fleets would be eligible for this award.
Best Innovation in Governance, Risk and Compliance: This award recognizes AI products or solutions related to innovative ways to address AI adoption problems of privacy, bias, in an aspect of governance, risk or compliance.  For example, a large financial services company in a regulated environment implements a specialized agent to reduce false positives in Anti-Money Laundering (AML) and Know Your Customer (KYC) risks.
Best Use in Software Development: This award recognizes AI solutions for improving productivity in software development, software architecture, testing, and/or DevOps.
Best Platform for Business Process Automation: This award recognizes AI solutions for improving business process productivity. A successful nominee would show a reduction in time saved using AI compared to manual processes while maintaining quality.
Best Chatbot Platform: This award recognizes an AI chatbot solution that improves interactive chatbots on a public website for customer service, sales, and lead capture.  Winning solutions would have interactive, helpful conversations with human users.
Best Use for Office Productivity: This award recognizes AI solutions that improve office worker productivity, such as reading and responding to emails, writing and reviewing documents, and creating and extrapolating spreadsheets or numerical information.
Best Platform for Website Development: This award recognizes AI solutions that improve the productivity of creating, developing, or administering websites.  For example: AI for site builders from scratch or AI plugins within an existing content management system would be applicable for this category.
Best Platform for Video Generation: This award recognizes AI solutions for generating video content.  This category is open for video content editing of live content as well as fully synthesized animated or realistic generated video.
Best AI Hardware Platform: This award recognizes AI-related hardware products.  These AI products may improve AI algorithm performance with specialized hardware innovations.
Best AI Company: This award recognizes the most promising and innovative AI startups or corporation that have made significant strides in a short period. The nomination will consider the total addressable market, revenue growth, and user growth.  Applicable to organizations with less than 30 employees.

AI Trailblazers (Individual) Awards Categories

Trailblazers Awards recognizes individuals in the AI community who has made significant strides in AI research, AI marketing or AI leadership.
AI Entrepreneur Award: Honoring individuals who have demonstrated exceptional leadership in founding and growing successful AI startups.
AI Educator Award: AI educator who has taught the largest audience on how to use and leverage the latest developments in AI.
AI Researcher  Award: Recognizing researchers making significant contributions to the theoretical and practical aspects of AI.
AI Breakthrough Awards, The AI Awards, Artificial Intelligence Excellence Awards 2024
Extraordinary Woman in AI Award: An extraordinary woman in the field of AI who has demonstrated leadership, surpassed KPIs, led positive change and inspired other women in AI.
Young Developer Award: is presented for outstanding achievements in AI research on artificial intelligence.  This award is designed to promote the work of young researchers.
AI Ethics Professional Award: acknowledges professionals committed for advocacy, and creating safeguards in AI platforms.  Ethics in AI addresses advocacy and governance for bias & fairness, privacy & data protection, explainability, military use, and existential threats.
AI Marketing Professional Award: acknowledges professionals who have achieved significant go-to-market traction, building target audiences and expanding users for an AI product or service.

Competition Dates

Time is of the essence!

The AIR Awards are accepting nominations – don't miss out on this unparalleled opportunity
Regular Nominations Open
October 1 2024
Nominations Close
November 15 2024
Judges Review Nominations
November 15 - 28 2024
Award Winners Announced
November 29 2024
Make sure you are informed
for changes in Award dates, Judging Criteria and Award Categories.
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Eligibility Criteria

The AI Recognition Awards welcome the innovative minds and organizations that are shaping the future through artificial intelligence. The competition is available to all individuals, companies, and organizations engaged in creating AI-driven products and services. Whether you are a startup or an established player, we encourage you to showcase your achievements.
AI Product or Service Providers: The awards are specifically aimed at companies or individuals that are building or selling AI-based platforms, products orservices. It is essential that the core offering is AI-centric.
Submission Deadline : To ensure a fair and competitive process, all entries must be submitted by the specified deadline. Late submissions cannot be considered for the awards. Please refer to ourwebsite for the submission deadline details.
Legal Entity: All participating companies are required to have been legally established prior to 2023. This guideline serves to establish a verifiable operational history for each contender. Furthermore, individual nominees for the Trailblazer Award  must be at least 18 years of age to be considered for this distinguished accolade.
Recent Implementation: The AI product or solution nominated must be in-use by a user or integrated system within the last year, specifically on or after February 1, 2023. This requirement ensures that the awards only consider live-working solutions and not concepts or ideas.

Nomination Fees

Each nomination (of an individual or solution) provides access to the judging panel of AI practitioners who collectively rank and provide third-party validation of winners and finalists of the award program.
Trailblazer (Individual) Award Nomination       $150
Startup Award Nomination $250
Corporate Award Nomination $350
Nomination Fees are as follows
All prices are in USD.